Chance to Choose

Published: Tuesday, 9th August 2022
Sheffield City Council are rewriting their Working Adults Framework.
They have asked Sheffield Voices and Healthwatch to work with them to find out what the learning disability and Autism community would like them to change or improve.
We want to know what people think about supported living services, respite care and day opportunities. This also includes what people like to do in the evenings.
What we learn from this project will be written into the new Working Age Learning Disability Framework and used when tendering. This means when the council choose a provider to deliver a service.
We are using art, drama, creative writing and music to work with groups in the community to find out what people want their lives to look like.
The project will run between August and October 2022 and then we will write our report.
If you are a community group, a day service or a supported living provider and would like to book our team of creative people to come in to deliver a workshop with your group. Please contact us on the email or number below
Our ask of you:
We’d like to run sessions with the people you support, either by visiting a space they are familiar with or inviting them into an existing group.
We need you to commit to 2, 2-hour sessions, 1 to explore ideas and 1 later (approx. 6 weeks) to review what the group talked about and if anything has changed.
There is potential for you to run further sessions with some financial support from us.
We will be developing peer facilitators and a reference group; they will be supported by us to direct the project and talk to decision makers at a local and national level about issues that affect them. There will be renumeration for their time.
If you are a person with a learning disability that would like to tell us what you would like your perfect life to look like. You can also contact us and we can arrange for you to come to one of our events.
If you do not wish to attend any of our events or groups, you might like to complete our survey using this link:
We hope you can join us on this journey
Phone 07734856006 or 01142536750
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