Damning Inadequate CQC report for Mickley Hall

Published: Friday, 8th April 2022
Sheffield Voices expressed concerns about some of their friends who live at Mickley Hall. Mickley Hall is a care home that is run by Valorum Care. The CQC report about Mickley Hall, which was published in November 2021 says that this service is overall 'inadequate' which means that this service is not meeting the basic standards of what a good care home should be. Mickley Hall is a service in Sheffield for people with physical disabilities, including people who also have a learning disability and/or autism.
The report says that Mickley Hall does not give people the choices, dignity, independence and good access to local communities that they have a right to. Some of the group members have had very bad experiences in Mickley Hall.
Sheffield Voices are horrified that Mickley Hall is still running and that the Sheffield CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) is still placing people there. We think it should be shut down.
You can see the CQC report for Mickley Hall here:
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