Sheffield Voices Express Anger Over Abuse Scandal

Published: Friday, 13th August 2021
Learning disabilities self-advocacy group Sheffield Voices has expressed anger after an autism and learning disability unit in the city was closed to new admissions when it was rated “inadequate” by inspectors.
The Firshill Rise unit in Sheffield was not safe or effective, an inspection report by the Care Quality Commission found, adding “People experienced harm because of a lack of protection, they experienced abusive incidents, restraint and seclusion.”
You can read the full report here along with an Easy Read report summary .
Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust said it was “very concerned about the findings,” according to a BBC report.
Mike Hunter, Medical Director at the trust, said: “We are very sorry that we have not delivered good care consistently in our unit at Firshill Rise and we will improve the care we provide there.”
The Board of Directors are dicussing the CQC Inspection Report: Firshill Rise at their public meeting today on Wednesday 28 line with national directives relating to COVID19, the meeting is not open to public attendance but a recording will be available on request by emailing the Board secretary .
Sheffield Voices has now produced a video speaking out on issues of abuse at Firshill. They say: “Last week we read about the abuse of residents in Firshill Rise in Sheffield and how people that were staying there to get the help and support they needed to live back in the community had been subject to restraints, not being given food and drink and being ignored by staff. Sheffield Voices feels very strongly that anyone who lives in a residential situation should not be treated in this way and that this is a human rights issue.”
Kathryn Littlewood, Sheffield Voices Manager and Training Development Worker at Disability Sheffield has also written to Sheffield City Council and Sheffield Health and Social Care calling for widespread changes to ensure such a situation does not happen again.
Sheffield Voices are trying to arrange a meeting with representatives from the council and SHSC and will be discussing the situation at their twice-weekly Zoom sessions, which take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am-noon. If you want to have your say you should contact Kathryn on 01142 536750 or email for information on how to get into the online meetings.
Published by : Andrew Smith