Draygon’s Adventures
Draygon’S Adventures
We wrote a group story based on some fact and some fiction
Draygon the Bearded Dragon was light brown with red and white stripes,
One day he shed his scratchy skin and put on his coat of different colours. He packed his bag with his favourite snacks of locusts and meal worms ready to hop on the land train to Bridlington. The driver was grumpy and said ‘we can’t have food and drink on this train’.
Draygon opened his case and they all jumped and slithered away and when he got off the train he met his friend Toothless. ‘I have no food to share as my picnic has run away’.
Toothless said ‘never mind it’s good to see you, let’s go for a pint and some fish and chips instead.
Toothless and Draygon sat and ate and watched the sun go down over the sea and talked about the good old days with a pint of Guinness.
Gummy, Toothless’s wife joins them and they all chat about what they will do the next day when they decide
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