Let’s Get Digital

Published: Tuesday, 8th March 2022
Do you have a computer and don’t know how to use it?
Do you want a computer and don’t know where to go to get help?
Do you worry about being safe online?
Are you a support worker and want to improve your digital skills to help people you care for connect with people online?
If you live in Sheffield City Region, why not come along to our FREE event at The Workstation Sheffield on the 11th March 2022 at 12noon and meet some great people who can help you get up and running with either your own computer or help you to start thinking about getting online.
This is an event for people with learning disabilities, support workers and family who want to get connected or need some help understanding the equipment they already have.
We have some FREE tablets to give away and LUNCH will be provided.
To BOOK a place either click on this link and fill out the form or call us on 07734856006 or 0114 2536750
We cannot wait to see you!
Published by : Andrew Smith