Sammy and Asha Go to Niagara
Sammy And Asha Go To Niagara
It was a rainy Wednesday morning; although it was raining, it wasn’t as bad as it had been last week, so Sammy and Asha were pleased and ready to set off to the Niagara Centre. Sammy suggested that him, Rach and Asha walk today for a change. Rach and Asha agreed, as they were always happy to take a walk.
“Make sure you remember to bring the map Sammy,” Rach warned, “we don’t want to get lost in the pouring rain”.
Sammy was busy daydreaming, not listening to Rach – he was too excited to go to the Niagara Centre.
“Ok, ok, Rach, let’s go now!” said Sammy, who was in a rush to go and meet his friends.
Sammy, Asha and Rach set off on the long walk to the Niagara Centre, all three wearing raincoats, and the boys had their little wellies on. However, it didn’t take long before they were lost! Sammy kept directing everyone in the wrong direction. Rach thought they had already walked this way before, and Asha was starting to get scared.
“That’s it! Take out the map so we can go the right way this time,” Rach told Sammy.
He looked down at the ground with a guilty look on his face.
“Sorry everyone,” Sammy said, “I forgot the map.”
Asha was very angry.
“How could you forget the map, Sammy? It's such a rainy day!”
Asha was wet through and, cold, and very thirsty after walking a long way. Rach could see that the boys were about to have a big argument, so she quickly made a suggestion.
“Why don’t we warm up at the pub and get a nice drink?” she said.
Everyone agreed and went to the next pub they saw.
As soon as Sammy, Asha and Rach walked inside, they heard a noise, and saw a big group of people waving at them.
“Look!” said Asha, “Rach, I think that’s all our friends from Inspirations!”
And he was right, it was everyone from Inspirations.
“What are you doing here?” asked Rach.
They explained they were here for lunch and that Sammy and Asha should join them. They ordered pie and mash, with fresh orange juice. Once everyone was full, their friends Nate and Mary showed them the way back to the Niagara Centre. By this time, everyone thought the morning’s adventure was very funny, and they told Nate, her and Asha couldn’t stop giggling. But, despite the fun, Rach hoped that Sammy had learnt his lesson about not listening. All in all, it had been another lovely day.
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