One day, Snoop, Sammy and Asha were playing with their magic ball. Sammy dropped the ball on a hard surface and it broke!
“That was his favourite ball!” aid Asha
“Don’t worry, I know a magician that might be able to fix it” said Sammy.
So they got a map, packed some crisps, sandwiches and drinks, woolly hats, scarves and wellies, and set off to see The Magician.
“How long will it take?” asked Asha.
“Only a day or so,” Said Sammy, “we need to get to the airfield and Uncle Brian can fly us the rest of the way.
When they got to see Uncle Brian, he said he would be happy to take them. But there was only room for 2 passengers! Sammy wanted to go but Snoop was still annoyed about the ball and didn’t want to sit next to Sammy.
Sammy told Asha how to get to The Magician’s house, and waved goodbye as they all flew down the runway.
“Good luck !” Shouted Brian. “See you when you get back!”
“Thank yooooooooou” called Snoop. And he and Asha set off towards the castle.
Asha had to stand on Snoops back to reach the giant doorbell. After three rings, there was still no answer.
Snoop and Asha did not know what to do. And sat down feeling very glum. Snoop started to cry.
“Don’t worry,” said Asha, “we’ll find a way to fix the ball.”
They heard a voice calling from the distance.
“You can fix the ball yourself”
Asha and Snoop looked around to see who was speaking – and they spotted an old lady waving to them from the forest path.
She told them where they could find the magicians wand. It was only a little further.
“Thank yooooou!” said Snoop
“You’ve been a great help!” Said Asha
“You’re welcome.” said the old lady.
They walked over the top of the hill, and there it was. Under the tree, just like the old lady said.
Snoop and Asha ran towards it excitedly. But when they get there - they realised they no longer had the ball!
Snoop left it at the castle when he was crying! He started to cry again when they heard a familiar noise.
Jigajigajiag *putput* Jigajigajiag *putput* Jigajigajiag *putput* Jigajigajiag *putput* Jigajigajiag
It was Uncle Brian’s plane, and who was that inside? It was Sammy and The Magician! They had Snoop’s ball!
“I found this outside my house,” said The Magician. “I called Sammy and Uncle Brian flew him over straight away!”
“Oh that’s great news” shouted Asha over the sound of the plane. They all jumped and danced around with glee.
The magician picked up the wand and shouted “IZZY WHIZZY!”
The ball was fixed! Snoop was so happy. He gave Sammy a big hug and said sorry he wouldn’t let him on the plane. He hugged Asha and licked The Magician’s legs to say thank you.
Uncle Brian flew home and the Magician used another spell to send Sammy, Asha and Snoop Home – After a big meal at the castle of course.
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